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Grand Prix Pino Cerami 2012 (1.1)
Belgium  /  5 April

Edition: 47 (200.2 Km)
Winner: BILLE Gaetan


Video´s (1)

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Algemeen Klassement
1. BILLE Gaetan LTB 04:52:11
2. FEILLU Romain VCD 00:00:00
3. VAN GENECHTEN Jonas LTB 00:00:00
4. BOIVIN Guillaume SPI 00:00:00
5. ANDERSON Ryan SPI 00:00:00
6. LABORIE Christophe SAU 00:00:00
7. HOFLAND Moreno RB3 00:00:00
8. BOZIC Borut AST 00:00:00
9. DRUCKER Jean Pierre ACC 00:00:00
10. MINNAARD Marco RB3 00:00:00
11. HONIG Reinier LAN 00:00:00
12. GALLAND Jérémie SAU 00:00:00
13. COMMEYNE Davy LAN 00:00:00
14. DE WAELE Bert LAN 00:00:00
15. KREDER Wesley RB3 00:00:00
16. DEIGNAN Philip UHC 00:00:00
17. DE VREESE Laurens TSV 00:00:00
18. KOZONTCHUK Dmitriy RVL 00:00:00
19. DEVILLERS Gilles LAN 00:00:00
20. BIHEL César CCD 00:00:00

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