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Trofeo Alcide Degasperi 2005 (1.2)
Italy  /  8 Maiatza

Edition: 51
Winner: GARBELLI David


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Sailkapen orokorra
1. Devid Garbelli ITA Concrete San Marco Caneva 3.59.30
2. Marco Bandiera ITA Zalf Desirče Fior
3. Luca Gasparini ITA Team Parolin-Sorelle Ramonda
4. Nicola Peccolo ITA Zalf Desirče Fior
5. Nebojsa Jovanovic SCG Filmop.Everest
6. Gregory Da Ros ITA Team Parolin-Sorelle Ramonda
7. Alessandro Bianchin ITA Bristot Bibanese 0.27
8. Alessandro Garziera ITA Termopiave Meccanica 0.27
9. Paolo Capponcelli ITA Gs93 Promosport 0.27
10. Federico Bontorin ITA Filmop-Everest 0.27

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