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Laisterkariak Profila: Daniele Nardello

2 Elkarrizketak

Nardello, cambio di casacca per l'ultima stagione

varesenews.it, Damiano Franzetti, 4 Abendua 2008
Nork aipatua: lucybears

Daniele Nardello, classe 1971, ha firmato pochi giorni fa un nuovo contratto annuale, passando dalla Diquigiovanni-Androni del manager Gianni Savio alla Fuji-Servetto, nuovo nome del team Saunier Duval guidato dal ticinese Mauro Gianetti.

"Times have changed"

bikeradar.com, Daniel Friebe, 9 Otsaila 2008
Nork aipatua: lucybears

The premise was simple and, we thought, innocuous: get Gilberto Simoni and a sample of the Diquigiovanni team's other golden oldies around a table and shoot the breeze about how professional cycling has changed – and possibly deteriorated – over the past fifteen years or so.

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