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Corredores Perfil: José Maria Jimenez Sastre

2 Entrevistas

Interview with El Chava - Jose Maria Jimenez

Daily Peloton, Manny Samaniego, 27 Diciembre 2002
Comentado por: Bitossi

Juan A.Gutierrez of AS.com interviewed "El Chava," Jose Maria Jimenez, last weekend. This Banesto rider won three Vuelta stages in 2001 (and four in 1998 and one in 2000 - a very talented rider - see his palmares below) but who has had a difficult go this past season. He has been on medical leave from his team to address mental problems. But Chava is back, he's in training and wanting to return to the peloton next year.

Sólo quiero que no me echen mierda

el Mundo, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, 15 Septiembre 2002
Comentado por: Bitossi

LE ACUSAN de que la droga le tiene retirado de la bici, pese a que Banesto continúa pagándole 150 millones de pesetas por temporada. «Chaba» Jiménez, postrado por una depresión, se defiende.Esta es toda su verdad

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