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Renners Profiel: Keagan Girdlestone

5 Interviews

Lo Girdlestone, il miracolato. Adesso torno a correre davvero. E ringrazio Dio

La Gazzetta dello Sport, Mattia Bazzoni, 14 Januari 2018
Gepost door: Bitossi

Il 5 giugno 2016, nella Corsa della Pace dilettanti, vicino a Rimini, il sudafricano sfondò il lunotto dell’ammiraglia. “Due ore e mezza senza ossigeno al cervello, quasi quattro litri di sangue persi e un arresto cardiaco proprio sul tavolo operatorio. I medici prima dissero che non sarei sopravvissuto più di 24 ore, poi che avrei riportato danni permanenti al cervello”. Mercoledì torna a gareggiare in una corsa Uci in Nuova Zelanda

Racing with ambition in 2018

Ride, Rob Arnold, 10 Januari 2018
Gepost door: Bitossi

Next week marks another chapter in the life of Keagan Girdlestone. He’ll contest his first UCI race since The Accident in June 2016.

Dopo quella caduta pensai di essere morto

Republica, Cosimo Cito, 22 December 2016
Gepost door: Bitossi

La seconda vita di Keagz, che ritorna in bici: "I medici hanno fatto un miracolo. Avevo sfondato il vetro dell'auto con la testa: riuscivo a sentire solo il calore del sangue"

Remarkable recovery from a near-fatal crash

Cyclingtips, Shane Stokes, 16 November 2016
Gepost door: Bitossi

Perilously close to death in June and written off more than once by doctors, Keagan Girdlestone’s recovery from a brutal crash has been nothing short of astounding. The South African rider collided into his team car during the Coppa della Pace race on Sunday, June 5, hitting the rear window while chasing back on a descent.

Interview Keagan Girdlestone

Cycling Updates, Ruud Arts & Wesley Verheijen, 2 Mei 2015
Gepost door: Bitossi

Keagan Girdlestone comes from a real cycling family and thus was born to race. Girdlestone grew up in South Africa but after winning his first National road title there (U16) he moved to New Zealand. This means he races in Australia and New Zealand now. As a first year junior Keagan his main program already was racing at the highest level in Australia, and now in 2015 he will surely become a real pain in the ass for the other Australian pro’s, as he will regularly beat them.

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