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Coureurs Profil: Floyd Landis

59 Interviews

Nada ha cambiado, si quieres ganar ya sabes qué hacer

El Pais, David Alvarez, 19 Octobre 2018
Placé par: Bitossi

El exciclista, que perdió el Tour de 2006 por dopaje y luego denunció a Lance Armstrong y provocó su caída, lamenta que la destrucción de sus carreras no ayudara a mejorar

Floyd Landis interview, Part 1

Cyclingtips, Neal Rogers, 25 Août 2016
Placé par: Bitossi

After several years spent in a state of self-imposed exile, American Floyd Landis, the first rider to be stripped of a Tour de France title for doping, has reemerged. And this time around, he’s selling drugs.

Now There’s A Story!

Pez Cyclingnews, Edmond Hood, 8 Août 2016
Placé par: Bitossi

Mennonite kid, discovers the bike, trains in secret, rises to the very top, rides with Postal, goes it alone, wins the 2006 Tour de France but gets declassed, denies he was kitted, even writes a book to protest his innocence, asks Lance for his gig back but is rebuffed, ultimately ‘fesses up’ and is then instrumental in bringing down Lance. It can only be Floyd Landis.

He's back, this time it's different

velonation.com, Neil Browne, 12 Mars 2010
Placé par: lucybears

The past several years have been a roller coaster ride for American Floyd Landis, full of the sort of drama that could rival any daytime television writer.

Floyd Landis clears the air

neilbrowne.com, 17 Février 2010
Placé par: lucybears

The news that the French had issued an international arrest warrant for Floyd Landis on the charge of computer hacking has driven Landis into hiding, forcing him to hurl his phone into the ocean as he feared that the GPS in his mobile would allow authorities to locate him.

Living the dream behind the car wash

neilbrowne.com, 3 Février 2010
Placé par: lucybears

Since my last conversation with Floyd Landis his luck has turned around. With a record setting time trial victory in the Tour of the Bahamas, Landis has been offered a lucrative job. As you can see, life at the Landis shack is looking up.

"The past three years have not been the favourite time of my life"

pedalmag.com, John Symon, 19 Juin 2009
Placé par: lucybears

We caught up with Floyd Landis (OUCH Pro Cycling Presented by Maxxis) at the Pro Bike Pool Kuota tent just before the June 16 Mardis cyclistes race in Lachine.

(Tour of California 2009)

"Des buts de court terme"

AFP, Grégory Jouin, 22 Février 2009
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis a évité les médias autant que possible en Californie mais est finalement apparu en conférence de presse samedi, à la veille de la dernière étape d'une épreuve dont il occupait la 32e place à plus de 10 minutes du leader Levi Leipheimer.

Don't call it a comeback

cyclingnews.com, 28 Janvier 2009
Placé par: lucybears

The countdown to the end of the suspension of Floyd Landis is nearly over. After two years, the American who once stood atop the Tour de France podium returns to a changed sport as a different person.

“Absolutely. What anyone else thinks is really irrelevant.”

velonews.com, Neal Rogers, 26 Janvier 2009
Placé par: lucybears

Three seasons after standing atop the Tour de France podium — and subsequently sitting out of competition on suspension — Floyd Landis is back in the pro peloton. The complete interview is in the latest issue of VeloNews, but here are a few highlights:

"My pants still fit"

The Spoke Word, John Bradley, 26 Janvier 2009
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis won the Tour de France, lost that title due to a failed doping test, lost two subsequent appeals, and had his arthritically mangled right hip replaced with an artificial one. It’s a lot to overcome, emotionally and physically, but Landis is ready to return to racing.

(Tour of California 2009)

"I couldn't be happier"

bicycling.com, Emily Furia, 23 Janvier 2009
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis's two-year suspension for synthetic testosterone use at the 2006 Tour de France ends January 30, 2009. He plans to begin his comeback at the Tour of California, with OUCH presented by Maxxis (the team formerly known as Health Net).

The Wiki Defense

dailypeloton.com, Cathy Mehl, 2 Janvier 2007
Placé par: lucybears

A new year has dawned but the old problem of proving his innocence from a doping charge surrounding his win at the 2006 Tour de France still hangs over the head of Floyd Landis.

,,Ik wil nog één keer de Tour winnen''

sportwereld.be, 23 Décembre 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis had één grote droom. Hij zou de geschiedenis halen. Dat deed de Amerikaan. Als de eerste positieve Tourwinnaar. Zelfs als hij ooit zijn testosteronzaak wint, blijft zijn naam beklad. Voor altijd.

"as good as it gets"

Daily Mail, Ian Stafford, 9 Décembre 2006
Placé par: lucybears

In his first major interview, Floyd Landis speaks about his positive drug test, the death of his father-in-law and the fight to clear his name .....

Pain-free, training and fighting back

velonews.com, Kip Mikler, 20 Novembre 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Saturday morning Floyd Landis appeared as the official starter of the Tour de Tucson. After sending the riders off, Landis spoke to VeloNews about his case.

Out of post-op, hanging in chat rooms, and back on the bike

bicycling.com, Loren Mooney, 5 Novembre 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Bicycling.com's Loren Mooney caught up with Floyd Landis on November 5th to get the latest on his post-hip surgery training and his doping case.

Skewered by the press

bicycling.com, Loren Mooney, 25 Août 2006
Placé par: lucybears

In excerpts from an exclusive interview with Bicycling, Floyd Landis talks about the difference between cheating and being cheated, what it feels like to be skewered by the press and forced off his bike--and how he pulled off perhaps the greatest feat in Tour De France history.

"We all have our battles to fight"

CNN, Larry King, 30 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

LARRY KING, CNN HOST: "Last Sunday American Floyd Landis won cycling's biggest race, the Tour de France. He did it after one of the most dramatic comebacks in the history of the event but a doping test which showed an abnormality has cast a major doubt over the victory and today in his first public appearance since the controversy broke, Landis proclaimed his innocence and he joins me now from Madrid."


as.com, Jose A. Ezquerro, 29 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

El vencedor del pasado Tour de Francia ofreció ayer en Madrid una rueda de prensa en la que defendió su inocencia. El americano aseguró que su positivo en Morzine no se debe al dopaje, sino a una alteración que produce su cuerpo en la relación de testosterona-epitestosterona.

The whole world in his hands

eurosport.co.uk, 24 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Modesty, rebellion and heroic exploits, there's got to be a movie in the Floyd 2006 Tour story. There is so much colour in this narrative that it's hard to know where to start.

«Mis padres me enseñaron a tener paciencia»

elcorreodigital.com, 24 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Los estadounidenses que ganan el Tour vienen de lejos. Floyd Landis viene, como él dice, «de un lugar en medio de ninguna parte». De una comunidad menonita, similar a los amish, a los protagonistas de la película 'Único Testigo', de Harrison Ford.

"Vom Gelben Trikot geträumt"

eurosport.de, 24 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Der Tour-Sieg war immer schon sein Traum, der nun endlich Realität wurde. Floyd Landis heißt der neue Triumphator in Paris, der bei der "Großen Schleife" in die Fußstapfen seines Landsmannes und ehemaligen Teamkollegen Lance Armstrong tritt.

"Eine Lektion im Durchhalten"

Berliner Zeitung, Christian Schwager, 24 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Trotz kaputter Hüfte will Floyd Landis wiederkommen

Von Armstrong das Siegen gelernt

sport1.de, 24 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis hat mit dem Toursieg seinen Traum verwirklich. Der Phonak-Kapitän erzählt, dass er jetzt seiner Hüftoperation entspannter entgegenblickt und was ihm sein einstiger Kapitän beigebracht hat.

„Vielleicht war es das Bier“

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 23 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Die Radsportwelt wundert sich über das wechselhafte Renngeschehen bei der diesjährigen Tour de France und vor allem über die erstaunliche Auferstehung von Floyd Landis. Einen Tag, nachdem er zehn Minuten auf die Spitze verloren hatte, schockte er die Konkurrenz mit einem von Erfolg gekrönten Soloritt auf der letzten Alpenetappe.

„Meine Botschaft ist: Durchhalten“

tour.ard.de, Michael Schreiber, 23 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Harte Arbeit, Durchhaltevermögen und Glück. Das sind nach Ansicht von Floyd Landis die Voraussetzungen für seinen ersten Toursieg gewesen.


as.com, Quique Iglesias, 23 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Landis cree que ganando el Tour ha dado un gran paso hacia su jubilación. En unos días se pondrá una prótesis en el cadera. Puede que lo haga vestido de amarillo.

Almost there...

cyclingnews.com, Hedwig Kröner, 23 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

After the decisive time trial in Le Creusot, the inevitable champion of the 2006 Tour de France showed up wearing his usual Phonak jersey, rather than the maillot jaune he now owns. Jokingly saying that he 'gave it away again', Floyd Landis was looking forward to seeing his wife and daughter tomorrow on the Champs-Elysées.

"J'ai été humilié"

eurosport.fr, 23 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis s'apprête à succéder dimanche à Lance Armstrong au palmarès du Tour de France. Un heureux dénouement presque impensable après sa déroute à La Toussuire, mercredi. L'Américain avoue avoir subi la pire humiliation de son existence. Mais il y a puisé la force de se révolter.

« J’ai prouvé ce dont j’étais capable »

sport365.fr, Pierrick Taisne, 23 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Pratiquement assuré de ramener le maillot jaune à Paris après le contre-la-montre de samedi, Floyd Landis ne cachait pas sa joie. L’Américain est notamment revenu sur sa victoire de Morzine.

"Ich bin gedemütigt worden"

radsportnews.net, 23 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis, der designierte Gewinner der Tour de France, stand am Samstag nach dem Zeitfahren der internationalen Presse Rede und Antwort mit Humor und leichtem Sarkasmus


as.com, Quique Iglesias, 22 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Los precedentes, las escasas diferencias y la exhibición del jueves de Floyd Landis apuntan al estadounidense como principal candidato a hacerse con el triunfo en la contrarreloj de esta tarde y en la general final del Tour.

"Je n'avais plus le choix"

eurosport.fr, 21 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

24 heures après sa spectaculaire défaillance Floyd Landis a trouvé les ressources de réagir. Le voilà à nouveau en position de remporter le Tour de France.

"Baue auf das Zeitfahren"

eurosport.de, 21 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Der Toursieg ist wieder völlig offen: Nach seinem sensationellen Coup auf der letzten schweren Alpenetappe der Tour de France stand Tagessieger Floyd Landis im Interview Rede und Antwort.

"Meine Gegner waren unorganisisert"

radsport-aktiv.de, 21 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Etappensieger Floyd Landis hat nach seinem furiosen Solosieg auf der 17. Etappe der Tour de France der Radsport-Welt bewiesen, dass mit ihm noch zu rechnen ist und steht Rede und Antwort.


as.com, Quique Iglesias, 21 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

El estadounidense Floyd Landis, ganador de la etapa de Morzine y tercero en la general, a 30 segundos del español Pereiro, dijo tras su éxito que, a falta de la contrarreloj del sábado, "es evidente" que espera "ganar el Tour".

« Plus le choix »

sport365.fr, 21 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Après une grosse défaillance, la veille, Floyd Landis a remporté avec panache la 17eme étape du Tour de France ce jeudi. L'Américain a expliqué après l'arrivée à Morzine qu'il n'avait plus le choix s'il voulait garder une chance de remporter la Grande Boucle.

"Ich hatte keine Wahl"

radsportnews.net, 21 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis, der Zauderer und Taktierer, entdeckte am Tag nach seinem Einbruch sein Kämpferherz. Der 30-Jährige feierte 24 Stunden nach der bittersten Niederlage seiner Karriere einen der bemerkenswertesten Etappensiege der Tourgeschichte und hat nun wieder Chancen auf den Gesamtsieg.

Was it the beer?

cyclingnews.com, Brecht Decaluwé, 21 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Never before in recent Tour de France history has one witnessed such a amazing turnaround of events. Twenty-four hours after his Tour de France chances looked to have gone up in smoke, Floyd Landis raced right back into the fight for the final yellow jersey with one of the most impressive solo rides in modern cycling history.

"Today doesn't change anything"

cyclingnews.com, Anthony Tan, 20 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

It takes a big man to take the maillot jaune, but perhaps an even bigger one to emerge from his hotel room to face the press after having the golden fleece so cruelly taken away from him.

Conservatism pays off

cyclingnews.com, Brecht Decaluwé, 19 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis regained the maillot jaune with a solid, but by no means swashbuckling ride to finish fourth on L'Alpe d'Huez. Landis stayed with Andreas Klöden for much of the climb, catching some of the early breakaways to end just 1'10 behind winner Fränk Schleck.

"Rien n'est fait"

eurosport.fr, 18 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis affirme avoir toujours cru en ses chances de victoire finale dans le Tour de France. L'Américain, ancien coéquipier d'Armstrong, fait le point sur ses espoirs et ses craintes avant d'attaquer trois étapes de haute montagne dans les Alpes, suivies d'un contre-la-montre samedi.

"Nichts gefühlt im Gelben Trikot"

radsportnews.net, 18 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Der Amerikaner Floyd Landis sieht sich selbst weiter als großen Favorit dieser Tour de France, auch wenn er aus Rücksicht auf sein schwaches Phonak-Team das Gelbe Trikot kampflos dem Ausreißer Oscar Pereiro überließ, um seine Teamkollegen im Hinblick auf die schweren Alpenetappen zu schonen.

The time has come

cyclingnews.com, Hedwig Kröner, 14 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

After placing third in today's 11th stage to Pla-de-Beret, Floyd Landis became the fifth American to don the maillot jaune. And despite needing a new hip, he is still the man many pick to win the Tour de France.

'perfectly poised'

roadcycling.com, Thomas Valentinsen, 8 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis is in the perfect position as the race heads towards the first big mountain stage on Wednesday. After todays individual time trial the Phonak rider is currently second overall, 1 minute behind T-Mobile's race leader Serguei Gonchar, and the fact that the pressure of race leadership is off him for now is a plus.

"Ich könnte mir kein besseres Team vorstellen"

phonak-cycling.ch, Georges Lüchinger, 8 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis ist zufrieden mit dem ersten Viertel der Tour de France – und mit seinem Team: «Ich könnte mir kein besseres vorstellen.»

Make no mistake

cyclingnews.com, Anthony Tan, 5 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

After the debacle last Friday, the names of Valverde, Landis, Evans, Schleck, Leipheimer, Menchov, and Hincapie have gone from outside favourites to real podium contenders. And with T-Mobile and Team CSC both losing their lead riders, the Phonak Cycling Team have, by default, strengthened themselves, placing 30 year-old American Floyd Landis in the spotlight as a man who could win overall.

"Ich spüre keinen besonderen Druck"

radsportnews.net, 1 Juillet 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Der Amerikaner Floyd Landis fuhr früher als Helfer für Lance Armstrong. Vor zwei Jahren wechselte er als Kapitän zum Phonak-Team. Bei der diesjährigen Tour de France gehört der letztjährige Gesamtneunte zu den Favoriten.

"Ce Tour me convient"

eurosport.fr, Christian Chambres, 29 Juin 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Malgré un Dauphiné décevant, Floyd Landis reste un sérieux outsider du Tour de France. Prêt à assumer son statut de leader chez Phonak, l'Américain, vainqueur de Paris-Nice en début de saison, nourrit certaines ambitions légitimes. Et le tracé 2006 n'est pas pour lui déplaire.

"Ziel Toursieg"

eurosport.de, 27 Juin 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Geht die Serie der US-Siege bei der Tour weiter? Floyd Landis stapelt nicht tief: "Das Ziel ist der Sieg"

Superheroes and farts to Lance

bicycling.com, Loren Mooney, 30 Avril 2006
Placé par: lucybears

It is April 2006, the week after Landis's third win of the season, at the Tour de Georgia, and the dynamic duo (Floyd Landis and Dave Zabriskie) is hanging out at the 4,400-square-foot McMansion north of San Diego where Landis lives with his wife, Amber.......

"Der Sieg gehört dem Team"

phonak-cycling.ch, 24 Avril 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Nach dem dritten Gesamtrang im Vorjahr, fuhr Floyd Landis bei der vierten Auflage der Tour de Georgia für sein Team den Gesamtsieg heim.

Floyd, Could You Pass the Coffee, Please?

dailypeloton.com, Cathy Mehl, 18 Avril 2006
Placé par: lucybears

What could be better than sitting down for a little breakfast with Floyd Landis? I joined the Phonak riders at a round table coffee klatch and enjoyed a half hour of race talk with Floyd.

Landis finds Paris-Nice glory

cyclingnews.com, Hedwig Kröner, 12 Mars 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis is rapidly maturing as a team leader, winning two stage races on the trot: The Tour of California and now Paris-Nice. His eyes are now on the Tour de France in July.

"It’s a success sofar."

cyclingfx., Bart Hazen, 12 Mars 2006
Placé par: lucybears

You are now riding in Paris-Nice and are currently the leader. How do you look back at the past week? And what will be the plan for today’s last stage?

Settling into team leadership role

cyclingnews.com, Shane Stokes, 17 Février 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Ever since leaving the US Postal team at the end of 2004, Floyd Landis has been working towards emulating the Tour-winning feats of his former leader Lance Armstrong.

Landis the leader

VeloNews, 14 Février 2006
Placé par: lucybears

Floyd Landis begins his season at the Tour of California, not knowing what to expect of his form. What he does know is that the race will be the first building block of what he hopes will be a big year for him, culminating at the Tour de France.

(Vuelta a España 2005)

Chasing the maillot oro once again

Cyclingnews.com, Shane Stokes, 27 Août 2005
Placé par: lucybears

After a strong performance in last year's Vuelta, Phonak's Floyd Landis is back in Spain for another crack at the maillot oro. With another Tour de France under his belt, and a powerhouse team behind him, Landis talks to Cyclingnews' Shane Stokes about his chances of 'wearing gold' in 2005.

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