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Scott Sunderland
Winner of the 100th Melbourne to Warrnambool

Ride, 19 Oktober 2015
At the end of January, Scott Sunderland was doing what he’s done for years: racing the ‘kilo’ on the track. Four laps of a velodrome and the result is known. It’s not easy but it’s over in a breath over a minute. At the Darebin International Sports centre he clocked 1:02.359. Nice one Scott, national champion again…

Jack Bobridge
15 September 2015

Bobridge Q&A: “I’ve got to step up again…”
Another stanza in Jack Bobridge’s cycling career is set to start on 1 January when he joins the Trek Factory Racing team thanks to a new contract that was brokered by the young South Australian’s manager Baden Cooke. RIDE spoke to Bobridge moments after the news of the 26-year-old’s return to the Wo

Jack Bobridge
4 Februari 2015

Jack Bobridge after the hour record
In the tunnel beneath the Joe Ciavola Velodrome in Darebin, a cyclist sat shattered by a ride that lasted an hour.

Jack Bobridge
29 Januari 2015

Jack Bobridge on The Hour (part one)
Three days before Jack Bobridge attempts to become the first Australian to break the world hour record, he spoke to Rob Arnold about the challenge that lies ahead. In part one of a two-part series we discuss the requisite wattage for the hour record, how his emphatic ride in the Tour Down Under will

Jack Bobridge
29 Januari 2015

Bobridge: “I’ve beaten an ‘unbreakable’ record before” (Part two)
In part two of our interview with Jack Bobridge before his attempt on the hour record, Rob Arnold asks about his arthritis, booze, family, Armstrong, Wiggins… and the changes he’s made in his life in recent years. (In the first instalment, ‘Jacky Bobby’ talks about his bikes for the hour, the work-o


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