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Equipo Perfil: CCC TEAM 2020

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Jakub Mareczko
Prima divento papa', poi voglio la tappa di un grande Giro

TUTTOBICI, 17 Diciembre 2020
In questa stagione così complicata Jakub Mareczko è riuscito a portare a casa tre vittorie di tappa, ottenute al Giro di Ungheria dove ha conquistato anche la maglia a punti, raggiungendo quota 55 successi all’attivo. Tra i sui piazzamenti di rilievo, anche un terzo posto ed una top five alla Vuelta di Spagna.

Serge Pauwels
Pez Cyclingnews,
21 Octubre 2020

CCC’s Serge Pauwels Talks Career & Retirement
It seems like Serge Pauwels has been around for ever, and sixteen years in the pro peloton is a long time. ‘Been there, got the T shirt’ a phrase you could use for the 36 year-old Belgian who has signed contracts with six different pro teams during his career. Ed Hood caught up with Serge for his th

Matteo Trentin
22 Septiembre 2020

Trentin, il Tour delle cose perdute
Il Tour de France non è stato quest’anno per Matteo Trentin il solito terreno di caccia. Il trentino della CCC che ha già annunciato il prossimo passaggio nella Uae-Emirates (che si è portata a casa la maglia gialla) non ha vissuto il passaggio a vuoto con troppo entusiasmo, ma ha cercato di dissimu

Alessandro De Marchi
29 Mayo 2020

Io, guerriero e lottatore
Il gergo giornalistico e il bisogno di sensazionalismo possono portare ad abusare di termini ed epiteti. Pensiamo ad aggettivi come “incredibile” o “pazzesco”, a de­finizioni come “magia” e ad attributi come “eroe”, “guerriero” o “lottatore”.

Serge Pauwels
16 Mayo 2020

Plan a is dat ik ook in 2021 nog voor dit team uitkom
Serge Pauwels wil vooral optimistisch blijven wat de toekomst betreft. “Ik probeer om niet te ver vooruit te kijken. Zeker niet in de gegeven omstandigheden. Of ik nog renner ben in 2021? Dat is in elk geval de bedoeling, maar laten we eerst hopen dat er dit jaar nog gekoerst wordt. Al de rest vloei

Schär Michael
12 Abril 2020

Life and the world in times of coronavirus
The current situation due to the coronavirus pandemic has not been an easy one, but some people like CCC Team's Michael Schär try to make the best of it.

Victor De La Parte Gonzalez
Mundo Deportivo,
27 Marzo 2020

Subir un Tourmalet sin gente se hará como dos, muy duro..
Víctor de la Parte, que esta temporada tenía previsto debutar en el Tour de Francia, considera que sería “extraño” disputarlo a puerta cerrada

Greg Van Avermaet
Pez Cyclingnews,
12 Marzo 2020

Catching Up With CCC’s Greg Van Avermaet
Last, but certainly not least, in our series of interviews with riders from the CCC team is the top man himself; Olympic champion Greg Van Avermaet. Greg looks back at 2019 and looks forward to 2020, the Classics and the Olympics… We also talk babies!

Ilnur Zakarin
Pez Cyclingnews,
6 Marzo 2020

CCC’s Ilnur Zakarin Gets PEZ’d!
Young Russian, Ilnur Zakarin, has been a bit quiet on the results recently, but with a new team, bike, coach and training plan, that is all going to change. Alastair Hamilton managed to catch up with Ilnur in Spain before he flew off to start the UAE Tour, to hear all his plans for 2020 and the futu

Matteo Trentin
4 Marzo 2020

CCC’s Matteo Trentin Gets PEZ’d!
Matteo Trentin is one of the most consistent riders in the one-day races, with 'Top Ten' placing in most of the Classics. The 2018 European champion also has eight stage wins in the Grand Tours and a clutch of other victories. Definitely a rider worth listening to.

Alessandro De Marchi
Pez Cyclingnews,
24 Febrero 2020

CCC’s Alessandro De Marchi Gets PEZ’d
Alessandro De Marchi is one of those guys who has been quietly building up a fine palmarès and the admiration of the other professionals as a strong rider to have along-side you in a break. Our PEZman in Spain, Alastair Hamilton, managed to have a word with Alessandro at the CCC team early season tr

Bevin Patrick
Pez Cyclingnews,
6 Enero 2020

Catching Up with CCC’s Patrick Bevin
The CCC team were in Spain for their yearly December training camp, get together and media day and our PEZ-man in Spain, Alastair Hamilton, wasn't just there for the special CCC tiramisu. Patrick Bevin flew in from New Zealand for his regular PEZclusive catch up on the year past and to look forward


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