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Alberto Contador Velasco
Contador entra en el club de los 30 pensando en el Tour

AS.com, 5 December 2012
Alberto Contador, único ciclista español ganador de las tres grandes, Tour, Giro y Vuelta, celebra su treinta cumpleaños el Día de la Constitución, edad madura que le aporta experiencia y le permite seguir soñando con volver a ganar el Tour de Francia, su gran objetivo para 2013.

Alberto Contador Velasco
Gazzetta dello Sport,
1 December 2012

Il Giro m'incanta Potrei anche esserci
La dichiarazione d’amore, l’ennesima, arriva subito. Appena pochi minuti dopo lo sbarco a Milano Linate. Alberto Contador è evidentemente felice di passare una giornata in Italia, il Paese preferito dopo mamma Spagna, e a chi gli chiede la ragione del legame speciale con il Giro regala una risposta

Nicki Sørensen
Peloton Cafe,
26 November 2012

Nicki Sorensen Looking Forward To 2013
One of Team Saxo-Tinkoff’s most experienced riders, Nicki Sorensen is undoubtedly one of the cornerstones of the Danish team and the quadruple Danish champion has now been part of the team since 2001. One of Nicki’s biggest strengths is his versatility which he proved by having been involved in seve

Alberto Contador Velasco
Cyclisme Actu,
9 September 2012

"Je m’étais preparé à souffrir"
Destitué de son titre sur le Tour de France 2010, Alberto Contador remportera donc officiellement cet après-midi le cinquième Grand Tour de sa carrière. Pourtant, ces derniers mois n'ont pas été simples pour l'Espagnol originaire de Pinto, suspendu six mois (en plus de 18 mois rétroactifs) suite à u

Alberto Contador Velasco
Cyclisme Actu,
5 September 2012

Contador : "Comme un kamikaze"
Aussi inattendu qu'exceptionnel, le coup de force d'Alberto Contador sur le Tour d'Espagne, ce mercredi, ne peut pas laisser indifférent. Auteur d'un coup de panache très ambitieux, l'Espagnol a réussi, à quelques jours seulement de l'arrivée à Madrid, d'inverser la tendance qui lui était jusque là

Alberto Contador Velasco
8 Augustus 2012

"Quiero ganar la Vuelta por la gente que me ha apoyado"
El ciclista español Alberto Contador ha señalado hoy a la etapa contrarreloj individual con final en Pontevedra y a las tres montañosas en Asturias como las jornadas decisivas en la próxima edición de la Vuelta a España.

Michael Morkov
Pez Cyclingnews,
19 Juli 2012

PEZ Talk: Michael Morkov
PEZ spoke to Saxo Bank-Tinkoff Bank's Michael Morkov on the first rest day about his tenure in 'poids' - the red on white polka dots of the king of the mountains jersey which he made his own during Week 1 at Le Tour.

Nick Nuyens
Cyclisme Actu,
11 Mei 2012

Nick Nuyens : « Je ne vais pas me lamenter sur mon sort »
Difficile saison pour la formation Saxo Bank. L’équipe de Bjarne Riis traine en bout du classement World Tour, très loin derrière les autres « World Team ». L’équipe Danoise ne compte en effet que trois victoires depuis le début de la saison : deux étapes du Tour de Taïwan pour Jonathan Cantwell et

Chris Anker Sørensen
30 Januari 2012

Denmark's talented all rounder starts his 6th year on the WorldTour team of Bjarne Riis - Saxo Bank.... looking ahead to 2012
Chris Anker Sørensen started in the Danish development squad of Designa Køkken at the age of 20 and showed steady gains as a rider in the U23 races. He was a stagiare with Bjarne Riis' CSC squad and signed with the team in 2007 where he impressed with 19th place on the G,.C. in his first Grand Tour

Chris Anker Sørensen
Daily Peloton,
30 Januari 2012

Interview: Chris Anker Sørensen
Chris Anker Sørensen started in the Danish development squad of Designa Køkken at the age of 20 and showed steady gains as a rider in the U23 races. He was a stagiare with Bjarne Riis' CSC squad and signed with the team in 2007 where he impressed with 19th place on the G,.C. in his first Grand Tour

Matteo Tosatto
13 Januari 2012

Veteran rider not slowing down entering 16th professional season
Matteo Tosatto (SaxoBank) is revving up for another busy season at SaxoBank’s current training camp in the Canary Islands, and the veteran Italian is showing no signs of fatigue as he begins professional season number sixteen. A veteran of 24 grand tours, Tosatto completed both the Giro d’Italia

Luke Roberts
3 Januari 2012

Luke Roberts Aims For Tour Down Under Success
Team Saxo Bank's Aussie, Luke Roberts, started cycling in 1991 at age 13. Both his father and mother were involved in the sport and following their footsteps was only natural.


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