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Squadra Profilo: GERMANY 2013

Interviste (16)

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Jens Voigt
Jens Voigt: The Last Attack!

Pez Cyclingnews, 19 Diciembre 2013
At 42 Jens Voigt is heading into his last season as a professional cyclist. Throughout his career he has been one of the ‘strongmen’ of the peloton, chasing breaks, fetching water bottles and every now and again; winning a race. A nice guy with a punishing nature; no more “shut up legs” from Jensie.

Bert Grabsch
28 Octubre 2013

Ich war in diesem Jahr sehr oft down.
Nach 15 Jahren als Profi beendet Bert Grabsch zum Saisonende seine Profikarriere. Das kündigte der Zeitfahrweltmeiser von 2008 im Gespräch mit Radsport News an. Im ausführlichen Interview blickt der 38-Jährige auf seine lange und erfolgreiche Profilaufbahn zurück.

Jens Voigt
Le Quotidien,
24 Octubre 2013

Bob? Il sera sur le Tour en 2014.
Le coureur allemand, futur pensionnaire de la formation Trek aux côtés des frères Schleck, de Laurent Didier et de Bob Jungels, évoque un parcours taillé pour les grimpeurs… et sur lequel il verrait bien Bob Jungels s'inviter.

Paul Martens
29 Agosto 2013

Tour of Luxemburg 2013 Winner
I was born in 1983 in Rostock, Germany.I live in Belgium, married and father of a daughter. A lot of professional cyclists live in the Limburg area; it’s a beautiful place to train, close to the Amstel Gold Race circuit and the Ardennes. Flat roads can be found as well around Tongeren and Hass

Nikias Arndt
24 Agosto 2013

Nikias Arndt, el dorsal 21 de la Vuelta a España.
Ciclo 21 ha querido destacar al dorsal 21 de la Vuelta a España, que no es otro que el alemán del equipo holandés Argos-Shimano, Nikias Arndt, un joven velocista de 21 años -el más joven de la carrera- que debuta en la gran ronda española, con el objetivo de terminarla. Un amante de España y de Vale

Nikias Arndt
Argos Shimano,
22 Agosto 2013

Meet Nikias Arndt
In this series of interviews we will introduce you to our nine man Vuelta a España selection. Today we present to you German sprinter Nikias Arndt. When he was 12 years old he saw a group of young cyclists meet every Saturday in his village, then one day he decided to ask if he could join them an

Thurau Bjorn
Rouleur Magazine,
15 Agosto 2013

Björn With It
Axel Merckx and Nicolas Roche have had the same ones, Hervé Duclos-Lasalle too. They are destined to labour under inflated expectations and tiring comparisons to their fathers. As if being a cycling great’s offspring should mean superiority conferred through DNA. Dietrich Thurau was a blonde a

Tony Martin
10 Julio 2013

J'avais relâché un peu.
Le meilleur rouleur du monde est allemand. Douze jours après avoir lourdement chuté, Tony Martin a vaincu Chris Froome et tous les autres dans le chrono du Mont-Saint-Michel.

John Degenkolb
8 Mayo 2013

"De retour aux affaires"
Ne cherchez pas ! Si vous lui trouvez un faux air de gardien de la paix... C’est parce qu’il est policier ! John Degenkolb fait du vélo depuis qu’il est tout petit, initié par son père, grand passionné de cyclisme. Mais ce dernier, connaissant bien ce monde dur et limité à une élite voulait avant to

Geschke Simon
Pez Cyclingnews,
22 Abril 2013

PEZ Talk: Argos-Shimano’s Simon Geschke
One man who has been in the mix throughout the Classics season has been Argos-Shimano’s Simon Geschke. On the attack in Brabantse & Amstel, PEZ caught up with Simon after his strong performances to talk about his season to date.

Marcus Burghardt
Cobbles & Hills,
29 Marzo 2013

Si la carrera se centra en Cancellara, hay una gran oportunidad para otros.
Marcus Burghardt (Zschopau, Sajonia, 1983) empieza a ser todo un veterano en esto de correr las clásicas. Miembro de las últimas generaciones de ciclistas teutones surgidas de aquel transatlántico llamado T-Mobile, su carrera puede ser calificada de sólida, notable, incluso en ocasiones brillante, a

Gerald Ciolek
pez cyclingnews,
21 Marzo 2013

PEZClusive Chat: Sanremo Winner Gerald Ciolek!
Just days after his huge victory in Italy, PEZ tracked down MTN-Qhubeka's Gerald Ciolek at his home in Germany to ask him about his history making ride. It's a PEZclusive chat with the 2013 Primavera champion!

Gerald Ciolek
6 Marzo 2013

Ici, je redeviens un leader
Tirreno-Adriatico, qui a commencé ce mercredi, est la première course World Tour à laquelle participe la première équipe africaine Continental pro de l’Histoire, MTN-Qhubeka. Son leader s’appelle Gerald Ciolek et il a levé les bras dimanche sur les Trois jours de la Flandre occidentale. Velochrono s

Frohlinger Johannes
17 Febrero 2013

Fröhlinger: Zur Führungspersönlichkeit gereift
17.02.2013 - (rsn) – Hochmotiviert, aber mit gedämpften Erwartungen startet Johannes Fröhlinger (Argos-Shimano) am Sonntag bei der Andalusien-Rundfahrt (Kat. 2.1) in die Saison. „Gewohnheitsgemäß bin ich am Anfang des Jahres nie in Topform und benötige einige Renntage“, sagte Fröhlinger vor dem Star

Tony Martin
13 Febrero 2013

Martin poised to rule the clock in 2013
MADRID (VN) — Tony Martin (Omega Pharma-Quick Step) is poised to be the king of the chrono for 2013. The 27-year-old German says he’s entering the sweet spot of his career and rides into a new season intent on confirming his status as the peloton’s top time trialist.

John Degenkolb
Pez Cyclingnews,
24 Enero 2013

John Degenkolb Gets PEZ’d!
I didn’t know much about the Argos-Shimano team before their team launch the other week, OK I knew Marcel Kittel looked like an Arian god and John Degenkolb has been trying to grow a moustache since he was 7 years old and of course I knew they were both very fast. But I didn’t know anything of the m


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