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[EN] Thanks to Davey for continuously searching the internet so that we can daily watch fresh video´s.

Giro d'Italia 2005 - Descent of the Colle delle Finestre (8/8)
Posted by: Davey H. / 2010-02-16 20:30:21
Descent of the Colle delle Finestre to Pourričres in stage 19 of the Giro d'Italia 2005. Featuring a.o. Danilo Di Luca, Gilberto Simoni, José Rujano, Tadej Valjavec, Juan Manuel Garate, Sergei Honchar, Wim Van Huffel, Paolo Savoldelli, Daniel Atienza, Mauricio Ardila.

Links: Tappa 19 : Giro d'Italia 2005

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Thu, January 18th 2024 - 11:45 CET

Join our protagonist, a daring lover armed with a microphone, on a pulsating journey to win the heart of their beloved. Feel the adrenaline rush as you conquer challenging musical duels, paving the way for a romantic crescendo that transcends the boundaries of pixelated passion.


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