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[EN] Thanks to Davey for continuously searching the internet so that we can daily watch fresh video´s.

ORICA-GreenEDGE 2013 - Backstage Pass - UCI World TTT Championships
Placé par: Davey H. / 2013-09-23 11:33:48
We wrap the 2013 World TTT Championships with both the ORICA-AIS Womens team Sports Director Martin Barras and the ORICA-GreenEDGE mens team with DS Matthew White, Daryl Impey and Luke Durbridge. On the day the womens team collected the bronze medal with the mens team finishing in silver position by just .8 of a second.

Links: Orica Greenedge - 2013, Orica - Ais - 2013, Championnats du Monde UCI CLM par équipe / UCI TTT World Championships - WE 2013, Championnats du Monde UCI CLM par équipe / UCI TTT World Championships - ME 2013

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