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Roma Maxima 2013 - GCN report
Comentado por: Davey H. / 2013-03-04 11:06:56
Known as the Giro del Lazio until taking a break from 2008 - 2013, the Roma Maxima is a 180km race starting and ending in the heart of Rome.

Roma Maxima was won today by the giant-killing Blel Kadri (AG2R-La Mondiale), against the magnificent backdrop of the Coliseum, after a breakaway that lasted, all told, 127km.

Kadri crossed the finish line in Via dei Fori Imperiali, 37 seconds ahead of the chasing group of sprinters. On the cobblestones of central Rome, Filippo Pozzato led the group home to win the bunch sprint, and celebrated, believing he had won the race.

The Frenchman had joined a 5-man breakaway after 52 kilometres. He attacked on the Salita dei Cappuccini, and rode alone to the finish line. Behind him, Vincenzo Nibali joined a counter attack with four others, but they failed to cross to the imperious Kadri.

Enlaces: Etapa : Roma Maxima 2013

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