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[EN] Thanks to Davey for continuously searching the internet so that we can daily watch fresh video´s.

Interview David Walsh - Seven Deadly Sins - Part 1: 13 Years, 1 Story, Why?
Comentado por: Davey H. / 2013-01-09 10:39:18
David Walsh, 2012 journalist and sports journalist of the year explains his pursuit of Lance Armstrong over the past 13 years and how he feels Armstrong was ultimately brought down.

Was Armstrong's comeback his version of the Hollywood "one last job"? and was that what ultimately lead to his downfall? Was he too big to fall? Has David now got closure on the whole incident now?

This is one of our series of seven exclusive videos with David Walsh on Lance Armstrong, where he answers many questions relating to Armstrong and to his book "The Seven Deadly Sins: My Pursuit Of Lance Armstrong".

Enlaces: Lance Armstrong

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