Riders Profile: Caleb Ewan 
4 Fans
«Un arrivo perfetto per le mie caratteristiche»
TuttoBiciweb, Diego Barbera, 27 February 2019
Posted by: Tim Booth
Il velocista della Lotto Soudal ha conquistato la quarta tappa dell’UAE Tour, tagliando per primo il traguardo sullo strappo di Hatta Dam. Per Ewan si tratta della 30a vittoria in carriera.
On training, equipment and Le Tour
Ride, Rob Arnold, 28 March 2018
Posted by: Bitossi
In part two of our interview with Caleb Ewan, he talks about body shape, training on Zwift, a bit about his equipment of choice, and his anticipated debut at the Tour de France.
I’m happy I had a good result
Ride, Rob Arnold, 27 March 2018
Posted by: Bitossi
In the first of a two-part interview with Caleb Ewan, he talks about finishing second in Milan-Sanremo – the first of several major objectives for 2018.
The Jet Set for Take-off in 2016
Bike Exchange, Adam Kavanagh, 14 January 2016
Posted by: Bitossi
We caught up with Australian cycling gun Caleb Ewan on the eve of his 2016 cycling campaign. Although the young sprinter has been making waves on our shores for years with his impressive palmares, he's now looking to make a name for himself on the international stage and build on one of the most successful debut seasons in history.
Ready for the nationals
Ride, Jarrod Partridge, 5 January 2016
Posted by: Bitossi
Five days out from the road race at the Australian championships, last year’s runner-up Caleb Ewan spoke to RIDE. He talked about his recent victory in the Mitchelton Bay Cycling Classic, his team’s chances for the nationals in Buninyong this coming Sunday and how he’s adapting to life as a pro cyclist.
I'll be back for the jersey one day.
CyclingQuotes, Andy Pedersen, 11 January 2015
Posted by: Bitossi
Neo-pro Caleb Ewan has claimed the silver medal in his first elite Australian road race championship in a ride far beyond his years in Ballarat today. At just 20-years of age, Ewan started the race in a support role for his ORICA-GreenEDGE teammates but as the race unfolded in his favour, switched to put in a spirited final lap in pursuit of the coveted national jersey.
Caleb, born to be the number Ewan - Il gioiellino venuto dall'Australia si racconta.
CicloWeb, Nicola Stufano, 12 April 2014
Posted by: Bitossi
Caleb Ewan, classe '94, è la next big thing del ciclismo australiano: non potevamo fare a meno di intervistarlo.
Caleb Ewan
Cyclist, Cyclist, 16 February 2014
Posted by: Bitossi
Orica-GreenEDGE’s newest recruit sat down with Cyclist to discuss life in Italy, entering the pro peloton, and the lessons he received from Cadel Evans