Riders Profile: Ellen Noble 
On her health, new program, racing plans and more
Cyclo Cross Magazine, Brandon Grant, 12 June 2020
Posted by: Bitossi
Ellen Noble is a mainstay of American cyclocross. The 24-year-old bunnyhopping star was at the front of most races throughout 2018 and appeared to be on track to bigger things in Europe. In 2019, however, Noble had a quiet year and finished a lackluster season without attending Nationals in Lakewood. Noble struggled in 2019 with health issues and finally got a diagnosis of the auto-immune Hashimoto’s disease, but was on a winning streak before the flu derailed her Nationals plans.
Ellen Noble: 2019 Ruts n’ Guts Double Winner
Cyclo Cross Magazine, Zachary Schuster, 6 December 2019
Posted by: Bitossi
We chatted with Noble about her win, her challenging season and returning to form moving forward. You can read a transcript of our conversation below.
Entrevista a Ellen Noble
Rueda Lenticular, Alfonso Blanco Criado, 11 February 2017
Posted by: Bitossi
Hoy os presentamos una interesante entrevista con unas de las crossbikers revelación de la temporada de ciclocross que está tocando a su fin. Se trata de la estadounidense Ellen Noble que ha cerrado una temporada realmente excelente dando un gran salto de calidad dentro de la categoría sub23 donde ha logrado vencer la general final de la Copa del Mundo y hace unos días se colgaba la medalla de plata en los Campeonatos del Mundial de Bieles.