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Emma Pooley
“I'll start thinking about the road race after I've recovered from the time trial.”

cyclingweekly.co.uk, 24 September 2008
Cycling Weekly sat down with Emma Pooley and Sharon Laws a few hours before the women's time trial. They admitted a good ride would be rewarded with an Italian ice-cream.

Emma Pooley
14 August 2008

"there's always an element of luck..."
It took an American cyclist called Armstrong to deny GB's women a second gold medal when Emma Pooley rode the race of her life to win a silver medal in the women’s time-trial on the demanding mountain circuit under the Great Wall of China.

Emma Pooley
1 August 2008

"I can't just sit around, eating pie!"
Emma Pooley was spotted after her fourth place at the British National Road Race in 2005 and soon signed for Team Fat Birds UK. Pooley has had several successes on the road including first in the Rund um Schönaich in 2007 as well as the Trofeo Alfredo Binda in 2008.

Monika Furrer
5 February 2008

Die frühere Schweizer Juniorinnenmeisterin Monika Furrer aus dem Zürcher Oberland stösst wie Tanja Hennes und Andrea Knecht aus dem Schweizer Bigla Cycling Team zum Team Specialized Designs for Women. Die 22-jährige Allrounderin befindet sich derzeit mitten in ihrer Saisonvorbereitung.

Sarah Grab
31 January 2008

"Die Neuvermischung verchiedener Charakteren wird sicher spannend"
Die Bündnerin Sarah Grab zählt mit ihren 28 Jahren zu den erfahrenen Athletinnen im Team Specialized Designs for Women. Sie bereitet sich derzeit auf ihre zweite Saison bei Specialized vor.

Emma Pooley
14 January 2008

"My descending let me down"
Team Specialized and GB Olympics prospect Emma Pooley is rapidly developing a name for herself as one of female cycling's top climbers - even if less than a year ago she'd become so disillusioned with the sport she'd decided to quit racing.

Tanja Hennes
13 January 2008

"Bin ich nicht mehr die Jüngste"
Vom Schweizer Bigla Cycling Team stösst die 36 jährige Tanja Hennes aus Deutschland zum Team Specialized Designs for Women. Ihre grosse Erfahrung aus vielen Jahren im internationalen Frauenradsport in verschiedenen grossen Mannschaften wird in der kommenden Saison von Bedeutung sein.

Emma Pooley
1 January 2008

"I don't really like bananas"
The UCI trade team Specialized Designs for Women has undergone several changes for the next season with only six riders receiving a contract renewal and the addition of several new riders to support Emma Pooley at the International level.


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