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Bradley Wiggins
«Lo anglosajón aporta al ciclismo una forma de pensar más moderna»

diariovasco.com, 10 April 2010
Alto, serio, imponente. Inglés. Bradley Wiggins es uno de los mejores corredores de esta Vuelta al País Vasco, pero pasa desapercibido pese a su presencia física.

Chris Sutton
8 April 2010

Part One - Playing with Lego
Sky Rider Chris ‘CJ’ Sutton opens up on his 2010 goals, guys to watch in the classics, the Sky bus and rooming with Wiggins . . .

Michael Barry
7 April 2010

The pro's pro
Team Sky's Michael Barry is a man you can rely on to do a job. He was that Skyman riding tempo, kilometre after kilometre for Juan Antonio Flecha in the Ronde on Sunday. We caught up with him on the day when Sky had just received the glad tidings that the team had been accepted for le Tour.

Michael Barry
25 March 2010

"still building, learning and progressing"
We caught with top Canadian roadie Michael Barry (Team Sky) following Sunday's Milan-San Remo classic to find out more about how the race went and how he and his new team doing with the 2010 season well underway.

Dario Cioni
19 March 2010

"I think there's a new generation coming through"
When we heard that PEZ regular and Sky super domestique, Dario Cioni had crashed in Paris-Nice we thought we'd better have a word with big Tuscan and see how he was doing.

Ian Stannard
4 March 2010

KBK Podium Man
'That's Stannard in third place!' I hollered to Dave, through the storm at the top of the Kwaremont on Sunday. A couple of hours later, the big, affable Englishman was still in that position as the 26 survivors limped into Kuurne. We thought we'd better have a word.

Bradley Wiggins
4 March 2010

"J'ai changé de plan"
Bradley Wiggins est un nouveau coureur depuis sa quatrième place décrochée sur le Tour de France l'an dernier. Le Britannique axe sa saison pour être performant en juillet sur les routes françaises où il espère rivaliser avec Contador, Armstrong et les frères Schleck...

Edvald Boasson Hagen
27 February 2010

'Ik wil mezelf niet als favoriet zien'
Een heel peloton stoere beren heeft schrik van een koorknaap. Edvald Boasson Hagen is de naam, 23 is de leeftijd. Wij polsten gisteravond of de jonge Noor klaar is voor zijn eerste examen in Vlaanderen.

Sylvain Calzati
Vélo 101,
23 February 2010

"Sky reste une équipe cycliste et il faut quand même pédaler, mais il y a tout un ensemble de choses qui font de Sky une grande équipe."
Dans le peloton professionnel depuis 2003, le Lyonnais Sylvain Calzati arbore cette année le maillot d'une nouvelle équipe. Pas n'importe laquelle puisqu'il a fait le choix de poursuivre sa carrière au sein du Team Sky, la dream-team britannique fondée de toute pièce durant l'hiver.

Sylvain Calzati
5 February 2010

« Se mettre des objectifs, c’est bien. Les accomplir, c’est encore mieux ! »
Détendu, le sourire aux lèvres, Sylvain Calzati est heureux ce matin, à Aigues-Mortes, au départ de la 1ère étape de l’Etoile de Bessèges. Le lyonnais d’origine retrouve l’envie et le plaisir de faire du vélo. Il retrouve en même temps la volonté de se faire mal pour s’imposer.

Sylvain Calzati
28 January 2010

Sylvain Calzati : « Plein les yeux »
Sylvain Calzati va s’aligner, dimanche au Grand Prix La Marseillaise, sur sa première course sous les couleurs de Team Sky. Le Lyonnais aborde pour Velochrono.fr plusieurs points : ses sollicitations de l’intersaison, sa reprise en compétition, son adaptation dans l’armada britannique, son manager,

Simon Gerrans
26 January 2010

CT Interviews Simon Gerrans!
I'm blessed with having good friends who do whatever they can to help me out with this blog. One acquaintance I've made through such friends is with Simon Gerrans (i.e. Gerro) who calls Melbourne home during our summer.

John Lee Augustyn
21 January 2010

Getting Good Guidance from Good People
John Lee Augustyn is probably best known outside of the Aftrican continent for his head-first lunge down the scree slopes of the Col de la Bonette-Restefond descent to Jausiers in the Tour de France a couple of years ago, and this after leading the race over it's summit in glorious solitude.

Juan Antonio Flecha
12 January 2010

´Cada temporada de clásicas es como viajar a tiempos pasados´
Juan Antonio Flecha ha respondido a las 20 preguntas seleccionadas que nos ayudan a descubrir un poco más al corredor del Team Sky. Flecha responde con sinceridad y seguro que os hace disfrutar como en los adoquines.

Simon Gerrans
Cycling Tips,
11 January 2010

“the hardest part about going training is putting on your socks”
I’m blessed with having good friends who do whatever they can to help me out with this blog. One acquaintance I’ve made through such friends is with Simon Gerrans who calls Melbourne home during our summer.

Michael Barry
10 January 2010

"Our goal is to be the world's best"
Following the official Team Sky launch in London, UK earlier this week, Pedalmag caught up with Canadian pro roadie Michael Barry, one of the veterans and team leaders on the newly formed ProTour squad who is currently training in Valencia, Spain, preparing for the upcoming season.

Dario Cioni
10 January 2010

Dario David Cioni, il ciclista-coltivatore
Dopo aver lasciato il team Isd-Neri, Dario David Cioni nel 2010 si tuffa in una nuova avventura con il neonato Team Sky. Cioni è uomo di grande esperienza: nel 2004 ha primeggiato nel campionato italiano a cronometro, ma annovera nel suo palmares anche un 4° posto nel Giro d’Italia del 2004.

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